Aluminum Slag Separation Process Analysis Through a Vibratory Machine in the Foundry Process




Foundry, Aluminum, Slag, Separator


A The aluminum smelting industry has some challenges, due to the characteristics of the alloy that cause reactions that should be controlled. During the foundry process, the alloy is oxidized by contact of the molten aluminum with the ambient air. Oxide films forming on the surface of the molten metal must be removed during the cleaning of the furnaces in order to avoid contamination of the alloy to be used in the production of parts. Analyzing the melting process of a metallurgy at the industrial complex in Manaus, we saw that during the cleaning of the furnaces a metal tool is used to remove the slag, which brings with it a high level of aluminum brought about by the mechanical drag of the tool. As the company in question does not have resources to recover the metal aluminum contained in the slag, it is destined for the other institution which carried out the processing through the process of refusion of the slag and extraction of aluminum. The high level of losses in the process due to the discarding of slag generates considerable financial damage to the institution, reflected directly in the cost of manufacturing the products. In this way, the aim of the present work was to develop equipment for the extraction of the metal aluminum contained in the slag and consequently to reduce the losses in the process. The design of the equipment was chosen through a product development methodology, which made it possible to define the design specification, which can count on a container for the receipt and separation of the slag by means of the vibration brought on by motorvibrators installed at its ends, followed by a slingshot drawer responsible for the storage of the metal after the solidification and support/translate cars of the containers.


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Author Biographies

  • Valcimar de Souza Oliveira, Centro Universitário do Norte

    Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

  • Denise Andrade do Nascimento, Federal University of Roraima

    Current Position

  • Luís Smith de Oliveira Castro, Federal University of Amazonas

    PhD student, Dept. of Education

  • Thales Ruano Barros de Souza, Federal University of Amazonas

    Master in Electrical Engineering, Dept. of Education

  • Luan da Silva Serrão, Northern University

    Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Northern University Center


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How to Cite

Oliveira, V. de S., Nascimento, D. A. do, Castro, L. S. de O., Souza, T. R. B. de, & Serrão, L. da S. (2021). Aluminum Slag Separation Process Analysis Through a Vibratory Machine in the Foundry Process. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(5), 104-120.
Received 2021-03-21
Accepted 2021-04-11
Published 2021-05-01