Research on Application of Teaching Informatization Construction Based on Cloud Computing




Teaching informatization, Teaching resource informatization, Cloud computing


Cloud computing is the integration and storage of teaching resources in the cloud through modern network information technology, which can provide a convenient and fast platform for the construction and sharing of teaching resources informatization in colleges and universities. This paper first introduces teaching informatization and cloud computing, proposes that the main part of teaching informatization is teaching resources informatization, and the shortage of using information technology combined with it at present, and gives the advantages of cloud computing for teaching resources informatization application of high efficiency and sharing. Through the application of cloud computing, the teaching resources of colleges and universities are more perfect and sufficient, which is beneficial to assist the development of intelligent education and improve the education level, and promote the construction of teaching informatization.


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Author Biographies

  • Hong Wang, Xihua University

    Office of Academic Studies

  • Zheng Du, Xihua University

    Office of Academic Studies


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How to Cite

Wang, H., & Du, Z. (2021). Research on Application of Teaching Informatization Construction Based on Cloud Computing. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(5), 288-294.
Received 2021-03-29
Accepted 2021-04-12
Published 2021-05-01