Ultrasound-assisted extraction of olive oil
A preliminary economic analysis
olives, separation, food industry, cost analysis, process scale-upAbstract
The objective of this work was to perform a preliminary economic analysis of the ultrasound-assisted extraction process of olive oil and compare it with the manufacturing costs of the conventional extraction process. The DWSIM software was used for economic modeling considering data found in the literature; the five cost parameters were considered. The results showed a cost of USD 126.50/kg of olive oil in the proposed process. Although expensive, about 54,350 bottles more of oil could be produced due to the higher yield that can be obtained. In parallel, about USD 11,350,000.00 could be earned in one year of operation. In this sense, more research must be done to demonstrate the economic viability of this type of industry, to improve the operations and the costs of manufacturing until the process becomes profitable.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ihana Aguiar Severo, Mariane B. Fagundes, Fabrizio da F. Barbosa

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Accepted 2021-05-11
Published 2021-06-01