The Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery
Chemical enhanced oil recovery, Polymer Flooding, Surfactant Flooding, Alkaline Flooding, Smart Water Flooding, Wettability, Interfacial tensionAbstract
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques are currently one of the top priorities of technological development in the oil industry owing to the increasing demand for oil and gas, which cannot be fulfilled by primary or secondary production methods. The main function of the enhanced oil recovery process is to displace oil in the production wells by the injection of different fluids to supplement the natural energy present in the reservoir. moreover these injecting fluids can alter the reservoir`s properties; for example they can lower the interfacial tension (IFT) between oil and water, alter the rocks` wettability, change the pH value, form emulsions aid in clay migration and reduce the oil viscosity. In this chapter, we will discuss the following methods of chemical enhanced oil recovery: polymer flooding, surfactant flooding, alkaline flooding and smart water flooding. In addition, we will review the merits and demerits of each method and conclude the chapter with our recommendations
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Accepted 2021-05-22
Published 2021-06-01