Analysis of Environmental Impacts Caused by the Construction of Power Transmission Lines in Brazil
Trasmission Lines, Environmental Impacts, Right of Way, Drilling MudAbstract
A country's energy production, transmission and distribution systems are directly linked to its technological advances and economic growth. In Brazil, the creation and expansion of several transmission lines are planned. Such ventures often come up against environmental aspects, as they advance over forest and conservation areas. In this context, the objective of this research was to study the main environmental impacts caused by the implementation of transmission lines in forest areas in order to have a better understanding of the subject, thus being able to minimize or extinguish them. After gathering information, it was found that most of the environmental impacts are due to the deforested area around the transmission lines, called the right of way, which creates a corridor that alters the vegetation. Other serious impacts are related to the type of foundation most used: the micropile, which uses a toxic stabilizing mud in its drilling. The results of this research can be used as a basis to minimize such impacts that can cause damage to the environment and delays in the construction of the lines.
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Accepted 2021-05-22
Published 2021-06-01