Bibliographic review of vessel collisions on bridges:
a case study in northern Brazil
Collision, Floating Fenders, Energy Dissipation, Inland waterwaysAbstract
Vessels operating in the Amazon and world fluvial navigation still face difficulties related to the lack of standardization and lack of compliance with the rules, resulting in collisions of river convoys over bridges. At the same time, there is an increase in demand for river transport over the years. Vessel collisions on bridges cause enormous socioeconomic damage to the municipalities located in the vicinity of the accident. In this sense, it is extremely important to verify the quantitative differences between various formulations of force and energy contained in the impact of vessels, found in the main international standards for bridge projects and in several studies of vessel collisions on works of art. Therefore, such formulations are applied to a case study of a convoy type sailing under the bridge of the Guamá River, in the north of Brazil.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Weverton Kaio de Araújo Cabral, Pedro Igor Dias Lameira, Emannuel Sant Thiago Pereira Loureiro

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Accepted 2021-05-28
Published 2021-06-01