Creativity in teaching math to students with intellectual disabilities
creativity, mathematics, development, teaching, intellectual disability, educationAbstract
Developing creativity and thinking outside the box is key in modern education. When students are able to combine ideas, techniques, approaches that enable them to solve problems in different ways we can assert that they were taught creativity in their mathematical instructions. Most tests for evaluation of mathematical creativity measure the flexibility, fluency, and originality of student responses. Creativity tends to be hindered in the case of students with mild intellectual disabilities. Studies on the application of creativity in the teaching of mathematics to students with intellectual disabilities are limited. The article analyzed the academic achievement in mathematics and development of students' creativity.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Aleksandra Bašić, Ružica Zdravković Parezanović, Anja Gajić , Bojana Arsić , Dragana Maćešić Petrović

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Accepted 2021-05-28
Published 2021-06-01