The influence of electronic word of mouth on consumer interests which mediated by brand equity
Study of Tokopedia Users in School of Social and Political Sciences University of Lampung
electronic word of mouth, brand equity, customer intertestAbstract
The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of electronic word of mouth on consumer interests which mediated by brand equity to Tokopedia Users in School of Social and Political Sciences’ student on University of Lampung. This research was conducted on Tokopedia users with a total sample of 100 respondents. The sample technique used was simpel random sampling. The type of research carried out was quantitative explanatory and analytical techniques used by SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) 2.0 version.
The results of this study indicate that electronic word of mouth has a significant influence on brand equity in Tokopedia, brand equity variables have four dimensions that have a significant effect on consumer interest in Tokopedia. For further research it is recommended to be able to develop in accordance with this research so that it can improve further research and for Tokopedia to be able to conduct in-depth interactions wisth brand tests to install perceptions related to a product that will be offered to consumers.
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Accepted 2021-06-07
Published 2021-07-01