The influence of eWOM valence on brand equity dimensions and on purchase intention
consumer-based brand equity, electronic word of mouth, valence, purchase intentionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between electronic word of mouth (eWOM) valence, consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) dimensions, and purchase intention. An online survey was conducted to collect the data, with a total of 209 valid responses. The study conducts a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Results provided support for role of eWOM valence in influencing the development of CBBE. Specifically, eWOM valence strongly influences consumer perception of brand quality. Perceived quality and brand preference have strong and positive impact on purchase intention, confirming the importance of brand equity in building purchase intention toward a brand. The study is one of the first to examine the effects of eWOM valence on CBBE dimensions, demonstrating the importance of eWOM valence in the building of brand equity.
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Accepted 2021-07-21
Published 2021-08-01
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