Entrepreneurship Education Experience for Health Professionals and Bloom's Taxonomy Revised





Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Educational Project, Teaching Methodology


The paper presents the experience of teaching entrepreneurship in a health-focused Higher Education Institution, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy revised by Lori Anderson (2001). The teaching methodologies that were used focused on creativity, analysis, criticism, planning and interpersonal skills to develop the expertise needed to undertake and manage different types of businesses. Students were encouraged to propose business and healthcare solutions by employing creativity, ideation, planning, and management tools. Other practices like Brainstorm, the Edward de Bono's 6 Hats technique, the PIN - Positive, Interesting and Negative Points technique, and the Business Model Canvas proposed by Alexander Osterwalder for business modeling, among others, were used. The next step was the elaboration of Businesses Plans, using popular models or the project model proposed by the Project Management Body of Knowledge. At the time of the final evaluation, there was a business round with the presentation of the students' plans and questions, and comments with emphasis on the proposed ideas and solutions, as well as a self-evaluation. It was noticed that this exercise allowed the learning process to take place in a contextualized way, involving gradual degrees of complexity while being characterized as a process articulated to the daily work, in line with the curricular guidelines for the training of health professionals.


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Author Biographies

  • Marcelo Schenk de Azambuja, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre

    Department of Exact and Applied Social Sciences

  • Marta Quintanilha Gomes, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre

    Department of Education and Humanities

  • Gerson Chequi, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre

    Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Health Management Research Group


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How to Cite

Azambuja, M. S. de, Gomes, M. Q., & Chequi, G. (2021). Entrepreneurship Education Experience for Health Professionals and Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(11), 371-382. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol9.iss11.3522
Received 2021-10-06
Accepted 2021-11-03
Published 2021-11-01

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