Advertising and/ Is Educating
the use of neutral language in advertising campaigns and its reflection in the construction of an egalitarian society
advertising, neutral language, egalitarian educationAbstract
The objective of this article is to discuss how gender narratives have been used in the field of advertising, seeking to understand the textual and imagery aesthetics involved in them and how they would act in the process of educating consumers on the issue. Communication and education are "volatile" fields of study, with seasonality and changing conceptualizations; thus, each new analysis represents not a theoretical objectivism based on the search for truth, but rather an addition, to the market and to the world, of a new way of thinking, understanding, and above all, transmitting messages. With this in mind and to support the theoretical discussion undertaken, two case studies of advertising campaigns were conducted, one of them international, of L'Oreal and the other, national of Avon brand, both using neutral language, in order to understand how and with what results the commitment to use this type of language acts in consumers’ ways of thinking and acting towards a more inclusive and egalitarian society.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriela Rigotti, Verena Pereira

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Accepted 2021-11-19
Published 2021-12-01