Biofortification of Chia Genotypes with Lithium Hydroxide




Salvia hispanica L, lithium accumulation, development, dose


Lithium (Li) is an important alkali metal that exists in the elemental form of nature. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effect of foliar fertilization with doses of lithium hydroxide on the development and productivity of two chia genotypes, in the south of the state. The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Tocantins, Campus de Gurupi-TO, in the agricultural year 2017/18 in pots of 8 dm-3 containing red-yellow dystrophic oxisol, deep and clayey texture, in a randomized block design, under a factorial 5x2 scheme, with four replications. The characteristics of plant height, upper stem height, stem diameter, bunch length, number of bunches, liquid photosynthesis, transpiration, stomach conductance and, after harvest (145 days), thousand grain mass, grain yield and Lí content in the grains were evaluated leaf and soil. The highest concentrations of lithium in the chia grains are obtained with the application of 24.6 g ha-1 and 18.5 g ha-1 of LiOH for the genotypes originating in Paraguay and Argentina, respectively. The best responses in height, length of bunch, number of bunches, lithium content in the grain, mass of a thousand grains, liquid photosynthesis, transpiration and stomach conductance were obtained with the genotype from Paraguay.


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Author Biographies

  • Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis, Federal University of Tocantins

    Doctorate degree

  • Guillermo Arturo Herrera Chan, Federal University of Tocantins

    Doctorate degree

  • Gil Rodrigues dos Santos, Federal University of Tocantins

    Doctorate degree

  • Joênes Mucci Peluzio, Federal University of Tocantins

    Doctorate degree

  • Renato de Almeida Sarmento, Federal University of Tocantins


  • Marilene Alves Ramos dias, Federal University of Tocantins

    Doctorate degree

  • Danilo Pereira Ramos, Federal University of Tocantins


  • Dayara Vieira Silva, Federal University of Tocantins


  • Patrícia Sumara Moreira Fernandes, Federal University of Tocantins

    Master's Student

  • Thiago Henrick Viana Leal, Federal University of Tocantins

    Undergraduate Academic

  • Gabriel Queiroz Vanderleis, Federal University of Tocantins

    Undergraduate Academic

  • Marcos Rodrigues da Costa Aguair, Federal University of Tocantins

    Undergraduate Academic

  • Vitor Stefanello Fernandes, Federal University of Tocantins

    Undergraduate Academic

  • Myrlla Raynnara de Almeida Barbosa, Federal University of Tocantins

    Undergraduate Academic


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Fidelis, R. ., Arturo Herrera Chan, G. ., Rodrigues dos Santos, G. ., Mucci Peluzio, J. ., de Almeida Sarmento, R. ., Alves Ramos dias, M. ., Pereira Ramos, D., Vieira Silva, D. ., Sumara Moreira Fernandes, P. ., Henrick Viana Leal, T. ., Queiroz Vanderleis, G. ., Rodrigues da Costa Aguair, M. ., Stefanello Fernandes, V. ., & Raynnara de Almeida Barbosa, M. . (2022). Biofortification of Chia Genotypes with Lithium Hydroxide. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(3), 105-124.
Received 2021-11-16
Accepted 2021-12-31
Published 2022-03-01