Experience Tourism and Cultural Equipment
The artisanal production of CEPRAMA in São Luís-MA
Cultural Tourism, CEPRAMA, Experience Tourism, HandicraftAbstract
This article's main objective is studying the conceptual relationships that intertwine between the tourist phenomenon and the appreciation of local culture in the city of São Luís/MA. Having as object of study the development process of the production, exhibition and sale of handicrafts in the Center for Craft Production of Maranhão (CEPRAMA). Focusing on broader concepts such as: culture, experience tourism and cultural tourism, unfolding into more specific concepts such as: heritage, cultural facilities, crafts and identity. The research is relevant for studying an activity of great importance to the city's economy, cultural tourism, which seeks to value local culture through the acquisition of knowledge from the tourist and the community. For the discussion to develop, authors such as: Eagleton (2011), Barreto (2003), Fernandes (2015), Hall (2006), Panosso Netto (2010), Tuan (1983), among others were used. This is a bibliographical and documentary research (since it is characterized as one of the chapters of the Master's Thesis, it will analyze instrumental aspects of the research in loco), where the discussion seeks to maintain an interdisciplinary and transversal dialogue between the concepts, focusing on the importance the cultural appreciation and the gains that the tourist phenomenon can provide to the city of São Luís/MA.
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Accepted 2022-01-01
Published 2022-01-01