Microentrepreneur, worker in Brazil and the challenges for health and quality of life
workers, precariousness, health promotionAbstract
In the current scenario of transformations in the most diverse work activities due to the development and application of technologies, the flexibilization of labor relations, the high level of unemployment and economic uncertainties, there is a simultaneous growth in the number of individual micro-entrepreneurs in Brazil. The individual microentrepreneur personifies the precariousness of work in which health and, as a result, quality of life are compromised. This study analyzed the evolution of the number of micro-entrepreneurs in Brazil from 2010 to 2019 and its correlation with unemployment in the country. The data survey was carried out through the Entrepreneur Portal database and the discussion was based on the literature on worker health. The survey result indicated more than nine million micro-entrepreneurs in 2019. Exposure to precarious working conditions and weakening labor relations are determining factors in the health of workers.
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Accepted 2022-01-27
Published 2022-02-01