Epidemiological data of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the municipality of Gurupi, Tocantins


  • Vanderson Ramos Mafra Regional University of Gurupi https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7909-4975
  • Angra Alves Varanda Bezerra Regional University of Pharmaceuticals
  • Lorraynne Alves Carvalho e Silva
  • Natallia Moreira Lopes Leão Regional University of Gurupi
  • Christiane Rodrigues de Paula Marques Regional University of Gurupi
  • Hédipo José Ribeiro e Silva University of Brasília
  • Silvania Rosa de Souza Regional University of Gurupi
  • Patrícia Oliveira Vellano University UNITPAC
  • Luís Felipe Morais Barros Regional University of Gurupi
  • Lucas Cardoso Santos Gurupi Regional University
  • José Antônio Pereira Federal University of Mato Grosso
  • Thalita Melo França Costa Regional University of Gurupi
  • Yara Silveira Regional University of Gurupi
  • Larlla Veruska Arrates Pires Tozzatti Regional University of Gurupi




Pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Epidemiology


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 is a viral disease transmitted from person to person, which has the fastest spread in the world. OBJECTIVE: This project aimed to analyze epidemiological aspects of COVID-19 in the municipality of Gurupi/TO. METHODOLOGY: The research was conducted by consulting the epidemiological bulletin of COVID-19 made available daily by VISAE, from March 16, 2020, to May 15, 2021, where we identified the evolution of positive cases, deaths, and gender identification of this population, and analysis of literature review on the subject. RESULTS: Of the 10,336 positive cases, 5,570 (53.89%) of the cases are female, 194 (7.13%) evolved to deaths, of these 70 (36.08%) were female and 124 (63.92%) were male. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: From the results, it is visible the reduction in the numbers of positive cases for COVID-19 from April 2021, which can be taken into consideration the measures adopted through the Municipal Decrees, and in part to the beginning of the immunization process. Thus, the continuity of prophylaxis measures is essential for the control of the high chain of transmission in the municipality.


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Author Biographies

  • Vanderson Ramos Mafra, Regional University of Gurupi

    Pharmacist. Master teacher

  • Lorraynne Alves Carvalho e Silva

    Regional Pharmaceutical University

  • Natallia Moreira Lopes Leão, Regional University of Gurupi

    Pharmacists. Master teacher.

  • Christiane Rodrigues de Paula Marques, Regional University of Gurupi

    Pharmacists. Teacher.

  • Hédipo José Ribeiro e Silva, University of Brasília

    Graduated in Mechatronics Engineering - UnB, Graduated in Electrical Engineering - UFG, Master in Biomedical Engineering - UnB (University of Brasília), Graduating Medicine, Regional University of Gurupi - Gurupi, TO, Brazil.

  • Silvania Rosa de Souza, Regional University of Gurupi

    Biomedical. Master teacher.

  • Patrícia Oliveira Vellano, University UNITPAC

    Pharmacists. Master Professor.

  • José Antônio Pereira, Federal University of Mato Grosso

    Chemical. Doctoral student in Chemistry.

  • Thalita Melo França Costa, Regional University of Gurupi

    Pharmacists. Specialist in Clinical Pharmacology with an emphasis on Medical Prescription. Teacher.

  • Yara Silveira, Regional University of Gurupi

    Pharmacists. Teacher.

  • Larlla Veruska Arrates Pires Tozzatti, Regional University of Gurupi

    Teacher. Regional University of Gurupi - Gurupi, TO, Brazil. Specialization: Public Health. Specialization: Micropolitics of Management and Health Work. Specialization: Clinical Hematology. Education: Biomedicine


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How to Cite

Mafra, V. R., Bezerra, A. A. V., Silva, L. A. C. e, Leão, N. M. L., Marques, C. R. de P., Silva, H. J. R. e, Souza, S. R. de, Vellano, P. O., Barros, L. F. M., Santos, L. C., Pereira, J. A., Costa, T. M. F., Silveira, Y., & Tozzatti, L. V. A. P. (2022). Epidemiological data of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the municipality of Gurupi, Tocantins. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(7), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol10.iss7.3690
Received 2022-02-15
Accepted 2022-03-06
Published 2022-07-01

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