Ecopedagogy and Pedagogy of Meaning
Possible Dialogues
Environmental Education, High School, meaning of lifeAbstract
The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the realization of a critical Environmental Education for students and teachers of High School, through the studies of Logotherapy/Logoeducation. The research has a qualitative approach and was carried out with a literature review. This was based on works by the creator of Logotherapy, Viktor Frankl, authors who relate it to Education, as well as authors who support Ecopedagogy. We expect to reach the goals of reflection on pedagogical practices in relation to Environmental Education, thus being able to contribute, in fact, to the formation of political and ecological subjects prepared for the challenges of this millennium.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Denise Regina da Costa Aguiar, Daniele Andrea Pagani, Leonice Domingos dos Santos Cintra Lima, João Adalberto Campato Junior

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Accepted 2022-03-06
Published 2022-03-01