Herbicide resistance technologies in soybean cultivars


  • Matheus Alegretti de Oliveira
  • Mario Antônio Bianchi
  • Jana Koefender
  • Theodoro Schneider
  • André Schoffel
  • Juliane Nicolodi Camera rs
  • Diego Pascoal Golle




Biotechnology, Chemical management, Weeds


The objective of this work was to carry out a technical analysis of the biotechnologies that confer resistance to herbicides in soybeans. Two experiments were carried out (I and II) in the agricultural years 2016/17 and 2017/18, using a randomized block design with six  and four  replicates. In experiment I, two forms of management in weed control were evaluated for each technology studied (Roundup Ready® and Liberty Link®) and for conventional soybeans, as well as grain yield. In experiment II, the efficiency of using different herbicides to control voluntary soybeans (with and without technology) was evaluated. The pre-emergent herbicides in both managements proposed for the cultivars controlled the weeds from the emergence of the soybean crop to the application of the post-emergent herbicides in both crops. Likewise, all post-emergent herbicides showed weed control above 90% at 14 and 28 days after application. In the evaluation of the chemical control of Garra IPRO voluntary soybean, the herbicide 2,4-D stood out among the others for being more efficient in both agricultural years (above 90%). The herbicides glyphosate, 2,4-D and metsulfuron-methyl are the most effective in controlling voluntary soybean cultivars BRS 284 and CZ16B39LL.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira , M. A., Bianchi, M. A. ., Koefender, J. ., Schneider, T. ., Schoffel, A. ., Camera, J. N., & Pascoal Golle, D. . (2022). Herbicide resistance technologies in soybean cultivars. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(3), 324-340. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol10.iss3.3697
Received 2022-02-17
Accepted 2022-03-06
Published 2022-03-01