Media Bios and Artificial Intelligence: the dark side of Fake News
Fake news, Media bios, Artificial intelligence, PoliticsAbstract
With a bibliographic nature and a qualitative approach, this work aims to discuss, through a literature review, the concept of fake news and its influence and effects on youth political formation. The article addresses the concept of fake news and its classification, based on the ideas of media bios and mediatization brought by Sodré, as well as a reflection on the developments of artificial intelligence technologies linked to the production and dissemination of fake news. In addition, a discussion is carried out on the role played by fake news in the political formation of subjects, considering the different forms of political participation and socialization, especially with the development of digital media and social networks. The results suggest that the debate about the political formation of subjects represents the expression of new social paradigms in the face of the structure of the production and dissemination of so-called fake news in the political field. It is considered that the processes of political formation and participation today have taken place in a terrain where disinformation is a great threat to democracy and one of the challenges that emerge from this conjecture is to preserve freedom of expression and, at the same time, prevent that the trinkin compromises democracy.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Helio Souza de Cristo, Aloísio S. Nascimento Filho, José Wellington Marinho de Aragão, Hugo Saba

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Accepted 2022-03-23
Published 2022-04-01