Legal normative instruments of unified system of social assistance on caring and sheltering women victims of gender-based violence in the state of Maranhao
Social assistance, Gender, Women, ViolenceAbstract
Women victims of gender violence is a complex and multiple phenomenon that stands out in different parameters of discussion and confrontation. This structure of violence rooted and present in our society appears in a colonial historical context marked by the figure of the patriarchal man with subjective dimensions that typify and problematize the relations of power and oppression. Violence against women is closely linked to gender violence, where culturally, men are considered superior beings and exercise this behavior based on exercising supremacy over women. Violence by men against women is just one facet of the various forms of violence that constitute male non-corporality. With the social changes that have taken place over the years, several legal instruments have been created aimed at protecting women and combating violence. Through an exploratory and descriptive research, this article aims to understand which legal normative challenges, given the instruments and practices used for the care and reception of women victims of violence in the State of Maranhão, within the competence of the Social Assistance Policy operated by the SUAS.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Karla Cristina dos Santos Ferreira Ataide Lima, Juan Magalhães Paiva, Cristiane Tolomei

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Accepted 2022-04-20
Published 2022-07-01