Free software
A Social, Educational, Collaborative and Open to Human Inventiveness Network.
Free Software, Networks, Graph Theory, EducationAbstract
Technological advances are present in different segments of society and, in education, social transformations are consolidated as an important element for technical, human and political development, for that, it is necessary to dialogue with technologies that converge to the same look, in this sense. , Free Software represents an advance in this perception of collaborative movement, acting as a link to a scenario that represents the sum of all knowledge in the teaching versus learning relationship. This model used in Free Software, which prioritizes the subject in the construction of knowledge, constitutes an important ally for the consolidation of the elements present in the spaces of education, whether due to the cultural diversity resulting from the existing relations between the production communities, whether by the amount of existing technological resources in the different areas of knowledge and for the different levels of education. The graphic representation, supported by the theory of networks, about the existing relationships between the different areas of knowledge and the various levels of education on the quantity of software cataloged in the database of the Blog Software Livre na Educação (BSLE) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), although not exhausted by the present study, presents itself as an important analysis tool for discussions that dialogue with this theme, and which aims, in addition to bringing the reader closer to the theme, a computational model on the elements present in these relationships, contributing to the analysis of potentialities and specific needs in each area, especially in the educational context.
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Accepted 2022-04-20
Published 2022-05-01