Popular chat participation during an open session of a superior court of justice

an exercise in cognitive analysis





Cognitive Analysis, Interaction, Telematic Mediation, Judicial Sessions Popular expression of thought


The present production presents the development of Cognitive Analysis through the application of the Cognitive Analysis by Telematic Mediation methodology - ANCOMT (SALES, 2020) in a situation of technologically mediated interactions in the field of Law. The objective of this work is to analyze the popular expression of thought in an open session of the Federal Supreme Court (FSC) dated 08/31/2021, seeking to contribute to the identification of the ways of popular interaction that are configured from the online transmissions of open sessions of the Courts of Justice, also contributing to the strengthening of the field of Cognitive Analysis. This is an interdisciplinary, qualitative approach, which begins with a literature review, then a theoretical-conceptual discussion, proceeding with the presentation of Cognitive Analysis itself, with the ANCOMT methodology.  It is concluded by the pertinence and potential of Cognitive Analysis as a methodological path for the understanding of popular interactions in telematic mediation platforms in different sectors of society, including the field of Law. As a result of the analysis developed, it was identified that in the analyzed environment, completely open to free participation and popular expression without any mediation, there is practically no dialogue and collective construction, characterized by individualized expressions of preconceptions and the exercise of rabid militancy. However, it defends the importance of the maintenance and expansion of these spaces for the transparency promotion and dissemination of content of public interest, inferring the possibility for the evolution of these interactions to more collaborative forms from the opportunities of participation by the subjects.


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Author Biographies

  • Joelma Boaventura da Silva , Bahia State University

    Department of Human Sciences and Technology

  • Karine Socorro Pugas da Silva, Ifba- Instituto Federal da Bahia Campus Camaçari

    Department of Mathematics

  • Kathia Marise Borges Sales, Bahia State University

    Department of Human Sciences and Technology



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How to Cite

Boaventura da Silva , J., Socorro Pugas da Silva, K., & Borges Sales, K. M. (2022). Popular chat participation during an open session of a superior court of justice : an exercise in cognitive analysis. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(7), 79-94. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol10.iss7.3791
Received 2022-05-03
Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01