The Role of three-dimensional Cortico-Basal Ganglia-Thalamic and Cortico-Ponto-Cerebellar pathways models and multimodal teaching in medical education
3D printing, Plastination, Teaching, Neuroanatomy, COVID-19Abstract
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic came with impasses, one of them in the educational area, creating numerous barriers. During this period, the access to traditional study methodologies became impracticable, causing some difficulties in the comprehension of some subjects for healthcare students. Therefore a 3D model was elaborated as a learning facilitator, whose main goal was to help healthcare students in the understanding of the voluntary motor movement, addressing the cortico-basal, ganglia-thalamic and cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathways, since the observation in cadavers is not possible. Objective: evaluate the impact of the 3D models in the teaching-learning process and present the comparison and the effects of using a biscuit model and the plastinated cadaveric pieces in the multimodal teaching of human anatomy. Methods: this study involved 47 students from the Physiotherapy course. A prototype was developed using biscuit dough, wood, polystyrene and paint and it illustrated in special dimensions the pyramidal tract and the cortico-basal, ganglia-thalamic and cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathways. The participants performed identical tests before and after the display of the different methodologic resources, 3D model and multimodal, where they were randomly grouped and divided. Results: It was verified that in spite of the greater number of correct answers in the post-test form, there was not, in fact, a significant statistical difference (p=0,654) between the participating groups, which states the necessity of developing an alternative approach and a more significant sample. A significant statistical difference was observed (p<0.001) when comparing the students´ post-test knowledge with their pre-test knowledge when both methodologies were used, setting a multimodal approach, which is an alternative strategy that promotes a better development in teaching and learning. Conclusion: In our study, the teaching with cadaveric pieces (p=0.010) and the use of the 3D model singly (p=0.006) and the multimodal model (p<0.001) obtained similar results statistically. Therefore, the professors must choose the teaching methodology based on their aim and not for the intrinsic qualities in each method.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Victor Araújo, Mônica Ponte de Oliveira, Alexandre Almeida da Silva, Bianca Araújo Vieira, Rafaella Iughetti da Costa, Aline Moreira Lócio, João Pedro Benati, Beatriz Coutinho, Romina Andrea de Arruda Mourão, Leandro Freitas, Júlio dos Santos

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Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01