The Role of School in the Identification of Afghan Refugee Adolescents in Iran
Identity, Afghan Refugee, Independent Schools, Qualitative Interview, Narrative IdentityAbstract
Purpose: This article explores the role of independent schools in the identity formation of Afghan refugee adolescents. Method: Following Thematic Analysis, 21 Afghan students studying were qualitatively interviewed. Findings: The Afghan adolescent used the accommodation strategy in Iran and achieved identity integrity through the narrative of intimacy. For them, the past (Afghanistan) is a ‘Nowhere land’, the present (Iran) is a ‘no here land’, and the future is ambiguous. The independent schools have the potential to rebuild their past, provide a pleasant present, and picture a hopeful future. It is a place where they can write their identity biography.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mohammed Javad Imani, Hamed Nazari , Somayeh Mirashe

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Accepted 2022-08-19
Published 2022-09-01