A review of Arduino and salesforce for data collection and storage designed for microclimate monitoring
sensors, globe temperature, carbon dioxide, microcontroller, cloud computingAbstract
This paper discusses the creation of a prototype station for monitoring microclimate and other variables such as carbon dioxide air concentration level and globe temperature through components that gather, process and store data from low-cost sensors. Its general purpose is to provide data on climate and other more granular features, such as microclimate. The specific objective was to seek solutions for the issue of securely storing microclimate data collected by the prototype using an Arduino open-source hardware board. The proposal to use Salesforce's PaaS computational cloud for data storage allows for the existence, with the current state of technology, of several tools capable of assisting both in collecting data as well as in securely storing them for later analysis. The study and the creation of such a prototype station for monitoring microclimate and other variables were carried out in the city of Campinas/SP. In the end, it was concluded that the station was efficient due to the accuracy of the data obtained by most sensors interfaced with Arduino and recorded on Salesforce's platform with the use of the NodeMCU Wi-Fi module. Some objectives were not met as one of the sensors was faulty and the integration between Arduino and NodeMCU could not be completed due to time constraints.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mariana Espindola Vieira, Erondina Azevedo de Lima, Lenildo Santos da Silva, Valmor Pazos Filho

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Accepted 2022-08-19
Published 2022-09-01