The Effect of Software Instruction on EFL Students Pronunciation Skills


  • Ju Chun Ou Overseas Chinese University



My ET, Pronunciation, SPSS, Effectiveness


The main purpose of the research aims to explore the effectiveness of students using software to learn English pronunciation skills in particular. Nowadays, English has become a bridge of communication around the world. Whether in work or society, good language skills can further expand social and communicative abilities. In recent years, the ability to communicate in English has been regarded as an important part of life, and many channels and methods have been used in learning to improve English ability, using software to learn independently, and learning easily without pressure. The researcher in this study adopted MyET, a professional listening and speaking training software, to explore the impact on students' English pronunciation. MyET can score oral ability, analyze and provide diagnosis toward pronunciation, intonation, fluency, etc. MyET allows students to learn English on the one hand, and on the other hand, students can continue to learn independently when they are out of the classroom. In order to better understand the effect of MyET on students’ English pronunciation, SPSS was conducted through pre- and post-test results to achieve statistical analysis. The result reflects that our assumption is established that software instructions employed in authentic classroom improves students’ willingness and effectiveness in English learning.


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Author Biography

  • Ju Chun Ou, Overseas Chinese University

    Applied English Department


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How to Cite

Ou, J. C. (2022). The Effect of Software Instruction on EFL Students Pronunciation Skills. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(9), 275-282.
Received 2022-08-04
Accepted 2022-08-19
Published 2022-09-01