Military Physical Preparation for The Category B/2021 Jungle Operations Course

An Experience Report


  • Julio Ildefonso Damasceno Ferreira
  • Kilber Emanuel da Costa Ramos
  • Adenilza Moraes Alves Pinheiro
  • Dilson dos Santos Campos Junior
  • Ithatiele Viana Macieira



Physical activity, Physical Fitness, Military Physical Training


This work is an experience report about the Physical Training Program developed with officers of the Military Police of Pará (PMPA), belonging to specialized commands of the corporation. The objective was to describe the specific training for the Physical Aptitude Test developed with the lieutenants indicated to participate in the Jungle Operations Course (COS) category B. Two combatant officers (lieutenants) of PMPA, aged 30 years male, participated in the experiment. As a result, substantial gains were obtained in both physical conditioning, due mainly to the improvement in their body measurements. It was concluded that physical fitness results from regular physical activity, based on the observation that the instructors had not been practicing physical exercises frequently.


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Author Biography

  • Julio Ildefonso Damasceno Ferreira

    Polícia Militar do Pará


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How to Cite

Damasceno Ferreira, J. I., da Costa Ramos, K. E., Moraes Alves Pinheiro, A., dos Santos Campos Junior, D., & Viana Macieira, I. (2023). Military Physical Preparation for The Category B/2021 Jungle Operations Course: An Experience Report. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 11(2), 1-11.
Received 2022-09-29
Accepted 2022-10-24
Published 2023-02-01