Marketing Strategies of a shoe's company in Vale dos Sinos /RS
This work the theme is on innovation in marketing has as its aim to present and discuss marketing strategies developed by a shoe company in Vale dos Sinos/RS, focusing on innovation with its clients, and, consequently, increasing its sales. The analysis of such strategies suggests that they represent innovation not only for the company itself, but also for its clients that, by utilizing them, reduce its costs, the average time of receiving its products, and increases its profits. This company only utilizes these marketing strategies, so they are seen as innovative. Besides, they may be characterized as radical innovation, as they completely modify the company's relationship with its clients.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Vítor Lorenz Martins, Paulo Roberto Martins; Suzana de Moura; Dusan Schreiber

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Accepted 2022-10-24
Published 2022-11-01