An Evaluation Of The Current Endodontic Trends Among The General Dental Practitioners And Specialist In Riyadh, Ksa.
The aim of this study was to investigate about the quality and quantity of root canal treatments performed by general dental practitioners and specialists and an insight to their knowledge and attitude towards the recent innovative materials and techniques employed in the field of endodontics.
Material and methods;
A well-structured, questionnaire was framed and distributed among 150 general practitioners and specialists working both in private and governmental clinics, hospitals and universities. The collected data was statistically analyzed using SPSS version 18 software.
Out of the 1345 respondents,45.2% performed more than 5 root canal treatments per week,54.1% get an informed consent, 27% take pre-operative radiographs,51% complete treatment in multiple visits, 14.7% used rubber dam isolation,22.2% used rotary instruments, 16.3% are aware of the recent advancements in endodontics. And 77.2% of them feel satisfied with their routine endodontic treatments.
There need to be an increase in the awareness of the standard guidelines and procedure to be followed during routine treatment, to improve the quality of treatment delivered.
Clinical significance:
This study signifies that most of the specialists and general dental practitioners deviated from the standard guidelines in the root canal treatment such as use of pre-operative radiographs, rubber dam isolation, appropriate armamentarium, for the procedure, and standardized techniques. So, it is essential to promulgate the current concepts and technique in endodontics through continuing dental education programs and conferences.
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