Distribution of Order Parameter for Kuramoto Model


  • Hui Wu Clark Atlanta University, USA
  • Dongwook Kim Atlanta Metropolitan State College, USA




The synchronization in large populations of interacting oscillators has been observed abundantly in nature, emergining in fields such as physical, biological and chemical system. For this reason, many scientists are seeking to understand the underlying mechansim of the generation of synchronous patterns in oscillatory system. The synchronization is analyzed in one of the most representative models of coupled phase oscillators, the Kuramoto model. The Kuramoto model can be used to understand the emergence of synchronization in nextworks of coupled, nonlinear oscillators. In particular, this model presents a phase transition from incoherence to synchronization. In this paper, we investigated the distribution of order parameter γ which describes the strength of synchrony of these oscillators. The larger the order parameter γ is, the more extent the oscillators are synchronized together. This order parameter γ is a critical parameter in the Kuramoto model. Kuramoto gave a initial estimate equation for the value of the order parameter by giving the value of the coupling constant. But our numerical results show that the distribution of the order parameter is slightly different from Kuramoto’s estimation. We gave an estimation for the distribution of order parameter for different values of initial conditions. We discussed how the numerical result will be distributed around Kuramoto’s analytical equation.


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Author Biographies

  • Hui Wu, Clark Atlanta University, USA

    Department of Mathematics

  • Dongwook Kim, Atlanta Metropolitan State College, USA

    Department of Mathematics


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How to Cite

Wu, H., & Kim, D. (2015). Distribution of Order Parameter for Kuramoto Model. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(9), 52-68. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol3.iss9.432