Analysis of the Quintessence of Zhu Kezhen’s Higher Education Ideas


  • Zhangke Zhangke China West Normal University, China



Zhu Kezhen, Ideas of Higher Education, thinking quintessence


Zhu Kezhen is China’s great modern scientist and educationist. His Ideas of higher education formed during his charge of Zhejiang University, has identified a paradigm for the creation and development of China’s modern higher education. The quintessences of his Ideas of higher education consist of the spirit of university, the soul of university, the mission of university, the development of university, functions of university and the management of university. Through the deep analysis of his ideas of higher education, it has important realistic enlightenment for the cultivation of the present university spirit, the reformation of talents training pattern and the building of faculties of university and so on.


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Author Biography

  • Zhangke Zhangke, China West Normal University, China

    Student Department


(1) Fan Hongye & Duan Yibing. Zhu Kezhen Record [C]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 1999:41.

(2) Zhu Kezhen speech, Zhejiang University Magazine, 248th, 1936.

(3) The Alumni Association of Zhejiang University. Zhu Kezhen 100th anniversary Anthology, Zhejiang University Press, 1990:8.

(4) Zhu Kezhen. Zhu Kezhen Diary (second), the People’s Literature Publishing House, 1984: 120

(5) Yang Wei. Pursuit and Unremitting Exploration of Creating a First-class University -- the Education Thoughts of Zhu Kezhen and the Rise of Zhejiang University, China’s Higher Education, 2010 (10):5-6.

(6) (7) Nanjing Branch of Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing Zhu Kezhen Research Committee. The 20 Anniversary of Zhu Kezhen's Death [C]. Hefei: China Science and Technology Press, 1994:41,61.

(8) (9) Fan Hongye & Duan Yibing. Zhu Kezhen Record [C]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House,1999:92,96.

(10) (11) Zhu Kezhen Speech, Zhejiang University Magazine, 18th, 1936.

(12) Zhu Kezhen. Zhu Kezhen Diary (second), the People’s Literature Publishing House, 1984: 900.




How to Cite

Zhangke, Z. (2015). Analysis of the Quintessence of Zhu Kezhen’s Higher Education Ideas. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(11), 1-5.