Factors Influencing International Students to Study at Universities in Taiwan
Study in Taiwan, application intention, conjoin analysis, educationAbstract
In order to survive and compete in the current world, a business needs to identify the needs of its potential customers and to develop products or services that can meet customers’ needs. This is true for the educational business as well, which is essentially a service business with students as its clients. Given the growing competition between universities for recruiting international students, it becomes increasingly important for the university management to gain a better understanding of the factors that may influence student’s decisions on selecting universities. This is especially necessary for Higher Education (HE) institutions in Taiwan where the number of international students has almost doubled over the past four years, studying a wide variety of majors.
This study applied conjoint analysis to analyze the factors which could influence international students' decisions on selecting universities to study at Taiwan. We found that the strongest influencing factor is “scholarship”, followed by the factors of “desired course”, “language”, and “international environment” (these three factors have the same rank), then followed by “future job”, and finally the weakest influencing factor is “institutional image”.
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Copyright (c) 2017 kazuhiko kobori, Yao-Chuan Tsai, Le Thu Trang

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