Towards A Redefinition Of Quality Management In Accordance With Islam


  • Fadzila Azni Ahmad Universiti Sains Malaysia



This paper aims to discuss the need to redefine quality management in accordance with Islam by analysing the existing quality management definition from the Islamic philosophy perspective. The redefinition of quality management is an important contribution to the management of Islamic development institutions. Discussion towards the redefinition of quality management in this paper is based on theoretical analysis of the existing conventional quality management. This paper attempts to argue that the meaning of the existing conventional quality management is mainly limited to material and tangible aspects, such as commercialisation, increased revenues, competitiveness and meeting customer needs, whereas the philosophy and principles that underpin the development of Islamic institutions are unique and comprehensive compared to the limited material and tangible aspects. This paper proves there is a need to fill the gap in quality management of Islamic development institutions by coming up with a definition of quality management from the Islamic perspective.


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Author Biography

  • Fadzila Azni Ahmad, Universiti Sains Malaysia

    Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV)


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How to Cite

Ahmad, F. A. (2015). Towards A Redefinition Of Quality Management In Accordance With Islam. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(11), 137-148.