‘Constructive reflection’ Getting the best out of reflective learning


  • Ann Thanaraj University of Cumbria, UK




Reflective practice, Constructive reflection, Epistemology, Consciousness, dentity and values, Professionalism, Knowledge trajectory, Contextual learning, Professional development


This paper proposes a constructive reflective model that offers students a layered and developmental approach to embed learning and the application of learning within the seemingly constantly changing professional environment. The model is different from other popular reflective practice frameworks because it embraces the influences of personal epistemology of assumptions and consciousness and recognises how our identity, values, opinion and experiences impacts on the way we react or behave in particular situations. It recognises the need to facilitate the reconceptualization of knowledge and learning by questioning, evaluating and critique of knowledge to draw higher levels of cognitive and moral development, whilst it aims to explicitly raise awareness of the necessary competent knowable, skills and attributes for professional practice through its constructive and methodological process. This leads to a holistic and effective professional learning process.


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How to Cite

Thanaraj, A. (2017). ‘Constructive reflection’ Getting the best out of reflective learning. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 5(2), 40-62. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol5.iss2.500