Strategies for improvement of mental disorders in central hospital, Warri
Tool for guidance and counselling service
Mental disorder, prevalence, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, counsellors, treatment, improvement strategiesAbstract
This paper clinically analysizes the cases of mental disorder in Warri and its ‘environs as recorded in the central hospital Warri and its environs. A population of 159 recorded cases including adult males, females and children were used for the study. Two research hypothesis and three research question were formulated and the instruments of data collection were interview and observation. The result shows that there is an increase in the prevalence of mental disorders in Warri and its environs with women experiencing more mental disorders than men. Similarly, same types of mental disorder are more prevalent than others in Warri and its environs. Strategies such as a holistic approach by mental health professionals, government adequate intervention in mental health care are recommended as improvement strategies in the mental health care delivery system in Nigeria.
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