Implementing Short-Format Podcasts for Preview on Mathematics Self-efficacy and Mathematical Achievement in Undergraduate Mathematics
Short format Podcasts before class, Mathematics Self Efficacy, Mathematical Achievement, Intermediate StudentsAbstract
The aims o f this study were to examine the impact of the educational use of short format podcasts before class and to investigate students’ responses to the short format podcasts regarding mathematics self efficacy and mathematical achievement. Data was collected fr om 128 students in 6 sections of Intermediate and College Algebra for two semesters through pre and post tests , questionnaires including the Mathematics Self Efficacy Scale , and semi structured interviews . The data were analyzed by the two subgroups regar ding students who do not watch the short format podcast lectures (NSPL) before class and students who watch the short format podcast lectures (SPL) before class, and intermediate low and intermediate high students. T he results of this study showed that s hort format podcasts before class were vital to enhancing intermediate students’ mathematics self efficacy and their achievemen t and an appropriate format on the preview section of the study cycle. In addition, this study contributed to the
knowledge of st udent learning with technology and applications of short format podcasts before class in mathematics education.
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