Improvement of Callogenesis Ability by Selecting a Better Hormonal Balance in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L).
Potato cultivars, callus culture, in vitro, hormonal balanceAbstract
Response in tissue culture is highly genotype dependent, significant genotypic diferences in callus initiation response were observed among both potato genotype investigated. The Spunta variety devleops the best calogenesis in all media compared to Kondor variety depending on hormones concentration,there is a range of variations in days needed for callus initiation,percentage of explant that developed callus, its texture, color and the degre of its formation.Our resutls chow that the callus depends on explant type.Sprout explant respond best to callus formation. the amount of callus ranges from 60% to 90 % for Spunta .Callus color after eight weekwas light green or green yelow for both varieties.The higest amount of callus 100% was obtained with the combination (NAAxBAP)(0.5/1, medium M2) and (2/2 ,medium M3) with Kondor bud explant .In media M1(1/0.5 mg/l),M2 (0.5/1 mg/l) and M3 (2/2 mg/l) with sprout explant of Spunta the amount of 80 %was noted,callus in media M1 and M2 produced microtubers,shoots and roots.
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