Human resource: what contribution to flexibility? Case study
A Group of Algerian Company
Environment, uncertainty, flexibility, human resource, evaluationAbstract
Evaluation is pervasive and it is necessary for everyone to know its need because it has a big impact on the company accordingly it highlights the needs and the decisions taken of the organization. In the current context where the environment is characterized by complexity and uncertainty, companies must adapt and respond quickly to change. Human capital is considered as a resource for the organization, the most important without any doubt. The role of HR is to encourage initiatives to develop the potential sources of flexibility. Thus the assessment remains essential and necessary at the time of the transition of the Algerian economy to a market economy. Our problem is as follows: the human resource is a brake or business flexibility factor? Our study attempts to explore and apply the research tool of Volberd practiced by a group of companies, such as two-dimensional concept of flexibility in order to characterize their flexibility profiles and highlight the contribution of human resources, as a variable flexibility.
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