Age and gender sensitivities to contingency management and token reinforement strategies on self control levels of remand home inmates in Nigeria.
clients, self control, contingency management, token reinforcementAbstract
The study examined Age and Gender Sensitivities to Contingency Management and Token Reinforcement strategies on Self Control levels of Remand home inmates in Nigeria.
The study adopted the quasi-experimental non-organized pre-test, post-test and control group involving 3x2 factorial designs. The participants were randomly assigned to three groups. Seventy two (72) clients formed the sample for the study. Three remand homes- Akure (Ondo state), Osgbo (Osun state) and Ibadan (Oyo state) were purposively sampled for the study. The clients were randomly assigned to two treatment groups and a control group. The first group was treated with Contingency Management while the second with Token reinforcement and the third served as control. Self Control Scale (SCS) was employed in gathering data and descriptive statistics, ANCOVA, and scheffe posthoc analysis were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that both Contingency Management and token reinforcement strategies were adequately effective therapies in enhancing self control levels of the clients. However no significant difference on the self-control levels of male and female was found as well as that of old and young clients, this implies that both male and females as well as old and young clients are sensitive to Contingency Management and Token Reinforcement strategies. On the basis of these findings, it was highly recommended that government at various levels should employ well trained counseling psychologies who are competent in the use of various behavior modification techniques in solving different maladjustment problems among our youths and clients should avail the opportunity of the training exposed to at various homes and realized that both male and female clients deserve the treatment while the old and the young clients need treatment equally. Though the level of their involvement on delinquent behavior differ from one another, however, both need adequate and qualified counseling psychologies in behavior modification techniques
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