Utilization of knowledge systems and bases for selection and evaluation of domestic electrical installations
household consumption, knowledge system and basis, household management system, energy storage system, alternative energy sources, intelligent electrical wiring, ontologyAbstract
This article deals with the use of the sophisticated methods for the selection of technical and economic solution of electrical wiring. This solution is based not only on a price but also on many other criteria such as a comfort, service, durability etc. The focus of the work is a treatise on wiring systems from a global perspective, where it is impossible to use a conventional approach for objective evaluation and selection of the appropriate electrical wiring system (because of the complexity of such systems and their interdependencies). In the article are given information of an energy consumption (the total consumption and household consumption), consumption prediction – especially for households. Following is an overview of possible measures for reducing electricity consumption in households. In the part of the article are solved the knowledge, respectively expert systems for use in an electrical engineering – especially for a suitable tool for the selection and evaluation of households wiring electrical system. The result of this work provides a possible solution for a selection of wiring electrical system for households (focusing on the intelligent wiring) – from a technical and economic point of view and with using an innovative approach. The main contribution of this work is a proposal of the main part of the knowledge base. This base could be a basis for knowledge, respectively for an evaluating technical and economical solution of an electrical wiring system – the expert system includes also a feedback function of an effective solution, use value, price etc., which would also serve as a knowledge base.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Miroslav Haluza, Petr Toman, Jan Macháček

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