Educational Leadership and Supervision’s Administration for Successful Schools
The Examination of The Theory of Developmental Supervision
Educational Leadership, Educational Administration, Supervision, developmental supervision, clinical supervisionAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical observation of SuperVision, a new name for a new strategy of educational leadership, as well as to utilize the theory of developmental supervision. Glickman, Gordon, and Gordon (2001) state that the definition of SuperVision is identical to leadership for the improvement of instruction. Education leaders view that supervision is essential for successful schools. They also believe that it is crucial to improving supervisory behaviors of school leaders. Therefore, the researcher uses clinical supervision as its method to examine its practices of utilizing the theory of developmental supervision. The findings of this study are: developmental supervision may improve teachers instruction; the supervisory behaviors may improve teachers ability of problem-solving and decision making, and the supervisor may facilitate teachers as life-long learners.
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