Team Based Learning
An Innovative Teaching Strategy for Enhancing Students' Engagement
Nursing Administration Course, Student Engagement, Students, Team based LearningAbstract
Background:Team based learning is a strategy that combines features of student-centeredness and problem solving attributes. It also enhance students’ engagement which achieve desired outcomes such as retention; academic achievement and improved critical thinking. Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of implementing team based learning on students' engagement in nursing administration course.
Subjects and Methods: A quasi experimental design was used. The study sample included 251 students who were studied nursing administration course during the first term of academic year 2015/2016,they were divided into two groups: experimental group (n=128) and control group (n=123). Data was collected by using four tools: Team based learning knowledge questionnaire, Readiness Assurance Test for Team based learning, Students' engagement questionnaire, Preference between team based learning and traditional learning questionnaire.
Results: There was highly statistically significant difference between experimental and control groups regarding academic challenges, active and collaborative learning, students - staff interactions and total students' engagement domains .there was no statistically significant difference between experimental and control groups regarding enriching educational experiences and supportive learning environment domains.The majority students of experimental group preferred team based learning more than traditional learning.
Conclusion: Implementing team-based learning method in nursing administration course enhances students' engagement, especially academic challenges, active and collaborative, student-staff interactions domains. The majority of the students were preferred team-based learning method more than the traditional method.
Recommendations:Team-based learning method should be implemented in nursing administration course and other nursing courses in the faculty. Feedback questionnaire should be administered to collect views of students and meeting with students to let them express about their opinions after studying assigned courses.
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