Human Capital Development and organizational performance
review & critique of literature and A research agenda
Human capital, development, Management, Firm PerformanceAbstract
Given the competition in organizations and Technological trends in the current labour markets firms considering to grow and retain the position, demand and supply for labour in the market has been saturated. The bargaining power in the market depends on skills and scarce resource available. Different theories in relation to human capital have been articulated. Most organizations would want to employee people who will add value to their organizations in terms of production in order to achieve competitive advantage. Different pay rates are applied depending on the qualification of individual, for the organization to invest in employee’s development they will assess how they are going to benefit. The aim of this study was to find out how human capital development affects firms performance. Based on published literature and past studies analysis was done to support the study, there was appositive link between HCD and firms performance so to retain and maintain the flow of skills the organization needs to invest in human capital to curb the mass exodus of people going outside the country to look for jobs and patients being taken outside the country for treatment while they can get the same service here. Exploratory research design has been recommended for future research.
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