Teachers’ multidimensional role towards meaningful learning: the potential value of interdisciplinary environments
meaningful learning, interdisciplinary learning environment, competence developmentAbstract
The definition of “interdisciplinary learning environment” gives rise to different interpretations. This article presents and discusses interdisciplinarity in pedagogical practice for the construction of meaningful learning, strengthening the construction of knowledge in personal, scientific and social spheres. Case studies respectively show: the contribution of interdisciplinary work to self-identity and subjective constitution in early childhood; interdisciplinary work in an informal learning environment as a facilitating element towards scientific knowledge consolidation; and the university’s interdisciplinary work in social projects for building a fairer society. In the light of neuroscience, the article discusses aspects of cognitive and social-emotional developments, as well as the approximations and estrangements between the object of study and the epistemic subject. In the so-called Society of Information, the multidimensional character of the teacher’s work becomes a necessity and a challenge, since it is the school’s role to form citizen-students, developing competences to increase students´ academic knowledge and extend it to their personal, professional and social lives.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Denise Levy, Telma Martins Peralta, Loreny Pozzi, Izi Pozzi de Tovar

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