Augmented Reality in the Education of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Rilmar Pereira Gomes Metropolitan University of Manaus
  • Amaury Pereira Brito Metropolitan University of Manaus 
  • Andrews Xavier e Silva Metropolitan University of Manaus
  • Anthony Matheus Vale Neves Metropolitan University of Manaus
  • Graziely Pimentel Dias Metropolitan University of Manaus
  • Aline Mary Moreira de Melo Metropolitan University of Manaus
  • David Barbosa de Alencar Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of Amazon


Augmented Reality, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Benefits, Education


Currently, despite the technological advance that often makes school education accessible to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there are still certain difficulties in understanding the teaching passed on in the classroom to the autistic.  Therefore, this research aimed to propose an approach to AR technology (Augmented Reality) as an aid in teaching-learning within the school environment where it provides a means of pedagogical resource in class.  For the development of this research, bibliographic research was carried out, where it is evident that through Augmented Reality combined with education it has many benefits, accessibility and inclusion.  With this, it is possible to conclude that the use of the technological tool in question can contribute to the TEA to facilitate learning, understanding, communication, interaction with other students and their perception, not only that, but also a benefit for the educator who can pass on content of more didactic way in the school class.

Author Biographies

  • Rilmar Pereira Gomes, Metropolitan University of Manaus

    Academic coordination of the

  • Amaury Pereira Brito, Metropolitan University of Manaus 

    Academic coordination of the

  • Andrews Xavier e Silva, Metropolitan University of Manaus

    Academic coordination of the

  • Anthony Matheus Vale Neves, Metropolitan University of Manaus

    Academic coordination

  • Graziely Pimentel Dias, Metropolitan University of Manaus

    Academic coordination

  • Aline Mary Moreira de Melo, Metropolitan University of Manaus

    Academic coordination of the 


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How to Cite

Augmented Reality in the Education of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2023). International Journal of Science and Chemistry, 1(1), 13-22.