Using Role play to Enhance Learners’ Conversational English Speaking Skill in Remedial English Classes at Jinan University in Lebanon
This study permits using role play to enhance learners’ conversational English speaking skills in Remedial English Classes at Jinan University in Lebanon. The objective of this study is to enhance learners’ conversational speaking skills using the role-play method. The study used the CAR Method which stands for The Classroom Action Research based on Kurt Lewin’s design. The population of this study is the remedial English class of 300 students at Al-Jinan University, Saida Campus, in the academic year 2017-2018. The total population of this study during this academic year is 30 students. The data was collected and gathered based on tests and observations for the 30 students in the class during the whole semester. Therefore, the study was an experimental approach. The average score of students before implementing the technique ranged between 50 and 60 in conversational speaking skills. After implementing the role play technique in the mid of the semester and at the end of it, it can be noticed that the score increased to be ranged between 60 and 70. And this can show that role play could enhance conversational English speaking skills.
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