Activities in team work among head teachers and parents for the improvement of inclusive education in regular public primary schools in Meru county
Activities, head teacher-parent collaboration, inclusive education, Meru CountyAbstract
Through appropriate activities in teamwork among head teachers and parents, inclusive education is improved. The purpose of the study was to analyse activities in team work among head teachers and parents for the improvement of inclusive education in regular public primary schools, in Meru County, Kenya. The objective of the study was to examine activities in team work among head teachers and parents for the improvement of inclusive education. The significance of the study was to inform education policy makers, who need the study results to evaluate the current policies on inclusion and formulate appropriate ones for promoting head teacher-parent collaboration to improve the status of inclusive education for all learners. The study was guided by Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological systems theory and Peters’ input-process-outcome-context framework of Inclusive Education. Qualitative research approach method was predominantly used. The target population was 101,612. Through purposive sampling, 24 participants were selected. The study instruments used included; questionnaires, interview schedules, focus group discussion guide, observations and documents’ analysis schedules. Qualitative data analysis was done with the help of computer package, ATLAS. ti. The study findings were presented using narratives within themes generated from the collected data. It was found that, though, many head teachers carried out numerous activities, as a team with the parents, challenges contributed to minimal improvement of inclusive education. It was recommended that, the school stakeholders should be well sensitized on the collaboration for the improvement of inclusive education.
Key words: Activities, head teacher-parent collaboration, inclusive education, Meru County.
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