Renewal of the Teaching-Learning Process in the Bachelor of Sciences of Education UAEH
Teaching-learning process, complex thinking, action-research, higher education, teacher communitiesAbstract
The Network of Communities for the Renewal of Teaching - Learning in Higher Education (RECREA) began in 2017 in Mexico with a collaboration between public universities and higher normal schools as a strategy to interact with teachers of both institutions to renew jointly their teaching practices in order to achieve better learning outcomes in students. The project supported by the Secretariat of Public Education of Mexico seeks to promote a culture of collaboration among academics for innovation and improvement of their teaching practices. Taking as a theoretical basis the complex thinking, coined by Edgar Morin, the formation of communities and networks of academics oriented to the innovation of the teaching practices, centered in the learning of the students and in the collective construction of knowledge, is fostered. Following a methodological framework of action research, a monitoring and evaluation plan of the teaching-learning process and its results is established, which allows to relate innovations and the use of ICTs with learning outcomes, to subsequently document and analyze teaching innovation experiences. and its results. Working from tasks or projects that reflect real situations and problems with a complex thinking approach, linking the work of the student with the advances, methodologies and results of research in the disciplinary and professional fields and incorporating the use of ICTs as support tools for academic work and for interaction with and among students, it is possible to form communities of academics to design and share experiences on teaching transformation and innovation, documenting the teaching experience based on a research methodology in the action.
The paper documents the experiences and first results of the research process in a subject, called “Multicultural Mexico” in the case of a Mexican public university participating in the project and analyzes the active and collaborative participation in a community of teachers for the generation of teaching and learning proposals and methodologies for innovative learning.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Lydia Raesfeld, Rosa Elena Durán González, Irma Quintero López

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