Reflections on the training evaluation of learning in the degree in science of education of the UAEH.
Evaluation, formative evaluation, teaching and learningAbstract
In these reflections some references are analyzed that bet the role of formative evaluation in the students' learning, which transcends the processes of teaching and learning in Higher Education, rescuing the role of collegiate work of the academies, as an organ for making decisions about the evaluation strategies to be applied, according to the demands and needs of the students. The influence of evaluation for learning is based, which conditions a formative potential in students throughout their school trajectory, particularly in the Bachelor of Education Sciences of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH), knowledge that transcend throughout the life of the students. For what is considered formative evaluation as a learning assessment approach, which refers to a systematic process of data recovery on student learning and performance, from various sources of evidence; is focused on processes, rather than results, is interested in students being responsible for their own learning and is conceived as a means to achieve and integrate knowledge with meaning and meaning.
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