Olympic education
A teaching proposal for public schools of Sao Paulo.
Olympic education, training, Olympism, legacyAbstract
The educational nature of sport was in the foundation of the Olympic Movement since its inception. Understood as a pedagogical tool, sport was seen by Pierre de Coubertin as a possibility of celebration among people, a way to promote peace and development. In this sense, the Olympic Games are considered the public face of this pedagogical effort, and the understanding of Olympic education promotes values and knowledge on the sports universe and all its symbolic acquis. This argument triggers Olympic education programs by countries and cities involved in sport competitions based on the Olympic model. The aim of this study was to present the Olympic Education program developed by the São Paulo Secretary of Education for teachers working in the public school network of São Paulo. This course conducted over the years 2012 and 2013 relied on the participation of 250 teachers, mostly involved with Student Olympics, competition involving public schools of São Paulo.
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