Comparison and Correlation of Dynamic Postural Stability Indices Obtained during Different Dynamic Landing Tasks and Footwear Conditions
Dynamic postural stability, footwear, landing protocolsAbstract
Objectives: To compare the dynamic postural stability indices (DPSI) from two different landing protocols with normalized jump distance (NDP) and jump height (RWDP) and footwear conditions (barefoot and shod).
Design: Cross-sectional.
Setting: Research laboratory.
Participants: Twenty-five physically active adults (13 males/12 females, age: 22.1±4.2yrs, height: 178.3±11.1cm, weight: 75.6±19.4kg).
Main Outcome Measures: Subjects jumped off two feet and landed with their preferred foot on a force-plate. From the ground reaction forces, the DPSI scores in the anterior-posterior, medial-lateral, and vertical directions, and the cumulative scores (DPSI) were calculated under two protocols and footwear conditions. Based on normality of data distribution, paired t-tests/Wilcoxon signed rank tests and Pearson/Spearman correlation coefficients were used to compare, and measure the relationship between the two protocols under two footwear conditions (p<0.05).
Results: There were mixed results for DPSI scores when comparing the two protocols. There were significant differences (p=0.001–0.039) and positive correlations (r=0.660–0.870, p<0.001) on the DPSI scores between footwear conditions during the NDP protocol while the RWDP showed no significant differences.
Conclusions: Different protocols and footwear conditions may impact DPSI scores. Therefore, a standardized protocol and footwear condition should be established for future studies examining dynamic postural stability.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Joseph Schmitz, Paul Whitehead, Matthew Darnell, Mita Lovalekar, Jonathan Akins, Kevin Conley, Takashi Nagai

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